Archive of News (2017)

Former student suspects her cancer is 9/11-related; she is not alone

Michele Lent Hirsch, 32, believes that her thyroid cancer, diagnosed in 2010, traces back to her days as a student at Stuyvesant High School right after September 11, 2001.

9/11 responders with PTSD more likely to have physical disabilities

PTSD was associated with a greater risk for functional limitations among World Trade Center responders, according to recent findings.

Grads of Schools Near Ground Zero: We Got Cancer From 9/11 Debris

The students at several schools around ground zero said they are now filing claims with the federal government to receive assistance from the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

Forgotten Victims of 9/11 Learn They Are Eligible for Federal Help If Sick

People who went to school, lived, worked, or volunteered in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights on 9/11 and the months that followed and were exposed to the toxins released by the collapse to the World Trade Center are…

16 Years Later: In Need of Help

Thousands of New Yorkers are still getting sick from the environment in lower Manhattan in the months after 9/11. Errol Louis discussed with former Stuyvesant student Michele Hirsch and attorney Michael Barasch.

Lower Manhattan Residents, Workers Eligible For Free 9/11-Related Health Care

A lawyer is calling for anyone who lived or worked in Lower Manhattan during the September 11th terror attacks to see if they are eligible to receive free health care for 9/11-related illnesses.

Residents, workers sickened after 9/11 qualify for federal help, but many don’t know it, officials say

City officials want people who lived and worked near ground zero in the aftermath of 9/11 to know they may be covered under the Zadroga act if they become sick.

Zadroga Act campaign to target students and teachers who attended downtown schools circa 9/11

It’s not just cops and firefighters who rushed to Ground Zero coming down with Sept. 11-related cancers — students and teachers at downtown schools are getting sick, too.

Biomarkers May Provide Early Warning of Lung Problems in 9/11 Firefighters

Blood biomarkers appear to be an early-warning signal for the accelerated loss of lung function and airway obstruction in firefighters who responded to the World Trade Center…

9/11 WTC responders show increased physical disability due to PTSD

A new study of more than 1,100 WTC responders cared for at the Stony Brook University WTC Wellness Program indicates a significant increase in physical disability among the responders.