Archive of News

De Blasio insists he worked as fast as possible on 9/11 sick time, despite months of pressure

It took months of pressure for Mayor de Blasio to agree to provide unlimited sick time to 9/11 first responders — but he insisted Thursday he’d done so as quickly as possible.

NYC grants unlimited leave for city workers sickened at Ground Zero

The deal with the city’s largest municipal labor union is similar to a program already in place for police officers and firefighters who became ill…

Salve for the sick: De Blasio belatedly gives unlimited sick leave to city workers suffering from 9/11 ailments

Three weeks ago, Mayor de Blasio said, “anyone who says they care about first responders in Washington has to step up.”

DC 37 and the City Agree on Unlimited Paid Sick Leave for 9/11 Heroes

After weeks of intense negotiations, the union won a landmark victory for our 9/11 first responders and other members who worked at the World Trade Center site during the rescue, recovery and cleanup.

Mayor Gives Unlimited Sick Time for Post-9/11 Illnesses to EMS Staff

Mayor de Blasio finally committed last week to granting unlimited sick time to all city workers with a World Trade Center-related illness, regardless of their job title.

De Blasio agrees to provide unlimited sick leave to city employees suffering from 9/11 illness

Mayor de Blasio is finally allowing city civilian employees who worked at Ground Zero and are now suffering from a 9/11 related illness the unlimited sick time…

9/11 Benefits Expanded To Civilian Workers After Mayor Makes Deal With Union

Some civilian workers sickened by the toxic dust at Ground Zero will now get the same 9/11 benefits as police and firefighters after City Hall hashed out a deal…

High Rate of Drug/Alcohol-Related Deaths in WTC Survivors

Rescue and Recovery Work and PTSD Are Among the Risk Factors

City to give unlimited paid sick leave to 9/11 responders

All city employees who were involved in World Trade Center rescue, recovery and cleanup efforts and fell ill after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks will now receive unlimited paid…

MTA Pledging to Be Responsive to WTC-Related Sick-Leave Claims

Will Restore Days Used by Workers for Illnesses