Archive of News

9/11 Survivors Lobby To Reauthorize Victim Compensation Fund

9/11 responders and survivors will meet with FBI Director Christopher Wray at a public forum on Friday to discuss the fund that compensates those diagnosed with illnesses related to the attacks.

AHA: Heart Health Research of 9/11 Survivors Slowly Realized, 17 Years Later

Back when Charlie Wilson was an avid runner, the only flutter he ever felt in his chest came from indigestion.

Hope for 9/11 first responders: Scientists discover how to spot their risk of lung disease before it develops (…and the Med diet could prevent it)

Since 9/11, tens of thousands of people have developed cancers and respiratory problems from the toxic cocktail of dust that engulfed lower Manhattan.

In memory of our friend and teammate

Deb Turco passed away early this morning after a courageous fight with cancer.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sought to cap 9/11 payouts to victims’ families at $500G

Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh wanted to cap the amount victims of 9/11 and their family members could receive from the federal government…

Mum on memos: The Senate and the public need to see more of Brett Kavanaugh’s work product

Confirmation hearings on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh begin Tuesday.

REVEALED: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh proposed a $500,000 cap on payouts to 9/11 victims’ families

Kavanaugh proposed the cap while Congress was debating parameters of the Victims Compensation Fund following the 2001 terror attacks.

Sept. 11 is still killing FBI agents: ‘It’s like Bin Laden reaching out from the grave’

FBI Agent Dave LeValley was driving to work in Manhattan when he saw the first jetliner strike the World Trade Center on a bright September morning…

WHAT’S UP DOC? In honor of “D,” one of my heroes

Today’s column is to honor one of my heroes, someone who has inspired me with her bravery, compassion and character: “D.”

Retired FDNY hero dies of 9/11 related cancer

Last year when Jimmy Martinez, a retired city firefighter hero from Eltingville, was battling cancer, he donated a new white van…