9/11 Health Watch releases a video series explaining the World Trade Center Health Program and how 9/11 responders and survivors can access the program

Today, 9/11 Health Watch unveiled a series of informational videos that help explain the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) and how 9/11 responders and survivors can access the program.

With the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks only months away, there will be more awareness and interest about the impact of 9/11 on the health of thousands of 9/11 responders and survivors.

The Federal programs created by the James Zadroga Act provide medical treatment and compensation for injured 9/11 responders and survivors who live across the country — in every state and in 434 of 435 Congressional districts. However, many of those who would benefit from these programs have yet to apply. To help ensure that the programs are serving all those who need them and to combat misinformation, 9/11 Health Watch has developed a series of informational videos based on frequently asked questions.

Benjamin Chevat, Executive Director of 9/11 Health Watch said, “It is our hope that these videos will help facilitate access to World Trade Center Health Program for 9/11 responders and survivors who are still — almost 20 years later — suffering the impact of the toxins at Ground Zero.”

The videos are presented in two formats, first in a long 38-minute video with several questions and answers and then in a series of ten short videos focused on the individual questions and answers.

They are available on the 9/11 Health Watch’s web page and on 9/11 Health Watch’s YouTube channel.

These videos were produced with the assistance of the World Trade Center Health Program and 9/11 Environmental Action.

They are similar to the videos we released earlier this summer on the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.

Here is the complete list of videos:

1. The World Trade Center Health Program Explained.

2. What is the difference between the WTC Health Program and the Sept. 11th Victim Compensation Fund?

3. Are you eligible for the World Trade Center Health Program?

4. What does the World Trade Center Health Program Cover?

5. Once Enrolled by the World Trade Center Health Program Where Can I Get Treatment?

6. How does the WTC Health Program handle responders, how they get services and how are they eligible?

7. How does the WTC Health Program handle survivors, how do they get services, how are they eligible?

8. How do you complete the World Trade Center Responder Application?

9. How do you complete the World Trade Center Survivor Application?

10. How does the WTC Health Program deal with Workers Comp for Responders and Insurance for Survivors?

11. Where Can I Find More Information on the World Trade Center Health Program?
