Sick and Injured 9/11 Responders and Survivors Have Fewer Than 30 Days Left to Register for Sept. 11th Victim Compensation Fund

Sick and Injured 9/11 Responders and Survivors Have Fewer Than 30 Days Left to Register for Sept. 11th Victim Compensation Fund

For Immediate Release from 911 Health Watch
September 4th, 2013
Press contact: Benjamin Chevat (646) 634-9103

With fewer than 30 days left for most injured and ill 9/11 responders and survivors to register with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, 911 Health Watch urges anyone who qualifies for compensation to register before it is too late. The registration deadline is October 3, 2013. Registration can be done online at the Victim Compensation Fund’s website: .

This will be the last chance for many sick and injured 9/11 responders and survivors to seek compensation for physical injuries. This includes not only those at the World Trade Center site, but at the Pentagon and Shanksville crash sites, as well.

Here are the important details that every 9/11 Responder and Survivor should know.

• Registration preserves your right to file a claim in the future (before the Fund ends on October 3, 2016).

• Registration is not the same as filing a claim and does not commit you to file a claim even if you have registered.

• If you are uncertain about when your illness began, register by the October 3, 2013 deadline to preserve your right to file a claim.

• This deadline is for compensation only; it does not affect the World Trade Center Health Care Program also being administered by the federal government which has no deadline for participation.

• Even if you are enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program, receiving medical monitoring and/or treatment for your 9/11 injury or illness, YOU STILL NEED TO REGISTER WITH THE VCF if you want to seek compensation for injuries or illness.

The specifics about the deadline can be found on the VCF’s website here and they cannot be waived or changed.

If you know someone who was there, please make sure they are aware of this deadline. You can go to the 911 Health Watch website here and send an email to those who need to know about the deadline.

911 Health Watch is an independent watch group which is monitoring the programs created by the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. It was put together by the unions and groups that fought to get the care and support that the heroes of 9/11 and the survivors who were exposed to the toxins at Ground Zero deserve.