Former VCF Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya, FDNY Battalion Chief and UFOA Representative Sean Michael, and Executive Director, Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America, Lisa M. Sabitoni Join Board of Directors of 911 Health Watch

911 Health Watch Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit created by the unions and groups that worked to get Washington to reopen the Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) and create the World Trade Center Health Program, announced the election of Rupa Bhattacharyya, Sean Michael, and Lisa Sabitoni to its Board of Directors. With the additions of Ms. Bhattacharyya, Mr. Michael, and Ms. Sabitoni, the organization will continue its mission to make sure that the goal of providing quality medical care and compensation for injured and ill 9/11 responders and survivors – embodied in the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 and its reauthorization in 2015 and 2019 – is achieved.

Rupa Bhattacharyya, who currently serves as Special Litigation Counsel at Georgetown University Law Center’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection, was formerly the Special Master of the VCF. FDNY Battalion Chief Sean Michael currently serves as the Chiefs’ Representative and Recording Secretary at the Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA). Lisa M. Sabitoni is the Executive Director of the Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America and also serves as the Special Asst. to the General Secretary-Treasurer for the Laborers’ International Union of North America.

Peg Seminario, the organizations’ president said, “We are grateful that Rupa, Sean and Lisa have agreed to join us this in this effort to ensure that all 9/11 responders and survivors get the care and support they need and deserve. We also want to thank Liam Guilfoyle of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA) and Walter Jones of the Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America for their years of service as Board members.”

“I am privileged to join the Board of 911 Health Watch and continue my work to ensure that the responders and survivors affected by the tragedy of 9/11 get the help they deserve,” said Rupa Bhattacharyya, former VCF Special Master. “These programs hold a special place in my heart after serving nearly six years as Special Master, and my goal remains to ensure their success.”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to advocate for 911 responders and survivors and to make sure they get the help they need and deserve.” said Sean Michael Chiefs’ Representative and Recording Secretary at the Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA).

“It’s an honor to serve an organization built around taking care of the heroes who were there for us when we needed them most,” said Lisa M. Sabitoni, Executive Director of the Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America. “Many of those responders are LIUNA members, and ensuring they receive continued care is just as important today as it was over 20 years ago.”

911 Health Watch Inc. works as an independent watch group monitoring the programs created by the law; address any lapses in the delivery of services; suggest changes that might be needed; and is working to make sure that responders and survivors have the information on how the programs are working that they deserve.

We have worked to help fix the early problems with the reopened September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and are continuing to make sure it and the World Trade Center Health Program provides care for injured and ill 9/11 responders and Survivors as the law intended. With the reauthorization of both programs, we will continue to work to make sure they fulfill their purpose.